TEMPLUM PRAESENS / Cubo & Piramide


Luca Pacioli (1447-1517), the Florentine Franciscan mathematician, was linked by deep friendship with Leonardo da Vinci (1459-1519), who inserted fifty-nine of his geometric drawings in the De Divina Proportione that his mathematician friend wrote, when they were both in Milan at the court of Ludovico il Moro.

The figures of the polyhedra, the five Platonic solids, which Leonardo inserted in the book of Fra Luca Pacioli are drawn in an original way, with the faces open, so as to clearly present the entire shape of the solid, with the front and rear views together with the internal one; in addition to that, the illustrations were printed as if they were made of wood. A further feature of these solids is the symmetry with which they are conceived, which is part of the Euclidean heritage of the Italian Renaissance /enciclopedia Treccani.

The regular tetrahedron (pyramid) and the regular hexahedron (cube) are two of the five regular forms of the Platonic solids, which I have used in my work in comparison to the Roman views to recall the distant past. The work was carried out during the year Leonardo500 years of his death.

Opera a tutti glingegni perspicaci e curiosi necessaria. Ove ciascun studioso di philosophia, Prospectiva, Pictura, Scultura: Architectura, Musica e altre Mathematice: suavissima: sottile: e admirabile doctrina consequira: e delectarassi: co' varie questione de secretissima scientia.

Luca Pacioli, De Divina Proportione 1497




TEMPLUM PRAESENS / Piramide & Cubo (2019)