LUMEN SOLIS / Blue Still Lifes


A Talk

I did not create a linear pictorial path, but started mentally with still lifes, searching a pure light in bidimensional space of image. In northern Europe I could not have done similar works in daylight, because light would not have been enough, and I would have been forced to use an artificial light. My way of thinking comes from the Nature. There is no life without light. My photography happens only in the natural light.

A photograph captures light at the moment of the shot, which is a moment of strong impact, a moment of the "rhythmic vitality", the oriental concept of painting, found by the American twentieth century photographer Barbara Morgan while shooting her dancers; it is a very intense fast act, which leaves light marks on the surface of photographic matter, materializing in these analogic slides.

The image, which arises in the brain during filming, is an accumulation of compensated knowledge. While working, I believe in the elaboration of the unconscious, which creates an order in accumulation of the knowledge, which forms some type of a "hidden logic”, a temporary presence.

The image created by the artist does not depend on the phenomenal appearances of reality

said the Venetian painter Giuseppe Santomaso, who lived in the mid-twentieth century, to which I agree.


LUMEN SOLIS / Acrylics on Paper (1996)